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Frescoe´s paintings

Wine worker at rest. Frescoe´s painting at the Trevizzo Restaurant, Santa Felicidade, Curitiba, PR, Brazil.

The oldest mural painting technique known within all of art history, it is to contemporary painting what latin is to neolatin languages. It is painting with a fine and wet lime-plaster (intonaco), along with compatible pigments and water.

Frescos from all periods can be seen in Italy and some of them are masterpieces of ocidental art. Some famous works from medieval art, renaissance and baroque are all made in fresco painting. Giotto, Masaccio, Fra Angélico, Piero della Francesca, Luca Signorelli, Michelângelo, Raphaello, Pietro de Cartona e Giovanni Tiepolo are some artists that have worked with this technique. We find new frescoes paintings in the last century in Germany and England, and, recently in México.

In Brazilian contemporary art, there are just very few fresco painters, due to the work and knowledge that is required.

There are some Portinari frescoes paintings in Rio de Janeiro as well as some of Prata's works in Curitiba, state of Parana, in the south.







If you want to learn some secrets of painting, see the Painting Techniques DVD, where Sérgio Prata, former pupil of École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts of Paris reveals the secrets of the techniques of art. This painter is actually one of the very few fresco painters in Brazil. 

Prata working on Trevizzo Castle's frescoe´s paintings.

If you want to know more about fresco paintings, go to AFRESCOS

If you want to learn how to make a real fresco paintings with the renaissance technique, you can learn it at Prata´s fresco classes.



Small parts of the painting Techniques DVD.




On-line classes of frescoes, DVD and CD-Rom of Painting Techniques.

Enciclopédia Prata´s Art Studio - Brazil - Tel: 55 11 4035-2057 - Mobile 55 11 99597-0275 - e-mail: artista@sergioprata.com.br