
ResuméFrescoe´sEncausticsArt WorksMuralsCanvas3 PhasesSacred ArtIconsStained Glasses


Last update at
june 2017


Sacred Art


The Holy Mother Aparecida´s miracles, big canvas and panel for a Brazilian church. 2017.



Angels (ceramics) anda Pietá (Acrylics on canvas).

Via Sacra.




Painting Angels at the Sorocaba´s Cathedral, Brazil, 2007.


Christ and the creation of the Universe.
2000, 65 m2 large.



Transfiguration - Big mural. 72 square meters. Univap Church, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil.














sorocabavila aparecida

See also: Arte Sacra.















april 2011 - A replica of Cimabue´s Christ.



site do artista Prata´s Art Studio - Brazil - Tel: 55 11 4035-2057 - Mobile 55 11 99597-0275 - e-mail: artista@sergioprata.com.br